BDA Communications
Transition in Bangsamoro Communities- peaceful and inclusive, CSO reports
December 2, 2024. The transition period in the Bangsamoro Region, an autonomous region in Southern Philippines has begun in January 2019. This period is the time allotted to this newly established region to establish its local governance system that is responsive to the distinct culture, way of life and belief of its people.
Five years since then, significant progress has been achieved. In communities ravaged by the conflict in the past, access to basic services has improved with the assistance of various partners. This is specifically by experience through the project SUBATRA-ECSO: Enhancing CSOs Capacities for Inclusive Development Interventions in BARMM in Support to Bangsamoro Transition funded by the European Union and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.
“SUBATRA-ECSO is among the development initiatives that contributes to the smooth and peaceful transition in Bangsamoro”, the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.) reports.
BDA Inc. is local non- government organization operating in Bangsamoro Region and is reaching communities within and beyond the region.
Through the SUBATRA-ECSO, BDA Inc. is engaging thirty communities across BARMM who have felt the transition and development in their lives and communities.
In Basilan, change has become more visible when BARMM was established.
“Our village has slowly began to transform”, Nasira Lijal told. She is from Brgy. Tuburan, Hadji Muhamad Ajul, Basilan.
“Schools were established, giving children access to quality education, and health facilities were finally developed, providing essential services that had long been missing”, she added.
The development brought by BARMM did not just improve infrastructure; it also brought a renewed sense of hope to the people of Brgy. Tuburan.
In the island province of Tawi- Tawi, the people in Pasiagan, Bongao testified that it was their first time to receive food packs and education kits for the vulnerable groups in their village through the SUBATRA-ECSO Project.
A Badjao village in the island are organized to undergo livelihood training with provision of tools and equipment as start-up capital along with other capacity building support for operation, management and sustainability.
In Sulu, the people’s organizations are beyond grateful that the support for them remains even after the exclusion of the province from BARMM, pursuant to the rulings issued by the Philippine Supreme Court September 2024.
Community groups in Maguindanao have heighten trust to the possibility of development in their lives.
The indigenous people in the region feel the inclusion and compassion from the government through the CSOs and donors bringing to them development assistance.
From the Special Geographical Area (SGA-BARMM), production of banana chips in various flavors has become part of the lives of women group where they generate income for their families.
Assistance for people’s organizations in the MILF camp communities is also true with the SUBATRA-ECSO project. There are twelve POs provided with livelihood support such as skills training with complete set of tools and equipment.
Operating since 2021, the project SUBATRA-ECSO has already served 12, 107 individuals across the thirty villages that are within and outside the Bangsamoro territory.
For the BDA Inc. as local implementing partner of the project, support to communities is crucial in this period of transition in the Bangsamoro.
“The process of transition is a process of building the governance of Bangsamoro, and it is significant that people at the grassroots level are involved. This is through this development project like the SUBATRA-ECSO that organizes and mobilizes the community groups, help them plan, manage, operate and sustain their chosen local projects”, BDA Inc. stated.
Various training conducted were related to social protection like basic human rights, integrated risk and resilience management. Provision of basic services have benefited the vulnerable groups through series of community assemblies with the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) and BARMM Ministries, Offices and Agencies. This, as well, was a form of information dissemination about BARMM’s programs and services, more so with the radio program and the social media usage. Livelihood support to POs and collaboration with CSOs are integral components of the project. (BDA Communication, 2024)
Camp Abubakar children joyful of Madrasah classroom from EU, UNDP
October 31, 2024. Three hundred- thirty pupils of Madrasah in Camp Abubakar (Calagan, Tugaig, Barira, Maguindanao del Norte) are joyful of the classroom constructed through the support of European Union and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The said 2-classroom Madrasah building worth P3.2M was formally turned over today October 31, 2024 at Brgy. Tugaig, led by the new EU Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Massimo Santoro, together with his delegation and other partners in peace.
Ambassador Santoro said in a statement: “My visit here today is my first mission visit outside of Manila. And I think what is here today is a clear commitment of the European Union in supporting and sustaining sustainable peace and inclusive development in the BARMM.”
Madrasah An-nama Al-Islamiah was established in 2014 and has been sustained with the unified dedication of parents, teachers, local leaders and community members for the education of their children beneficial in this world and the hereafter.
“For the past years, we have been lacking with facility like classrooms. At present, we only have six rooms for the 330 pupils from Kinder to Grade 10. We cater multi-grade in one classroom, while the other classes are conducted outside, like in the Madrasah stage and open-type rooms”, Ustadz Khadir Udangan said. He is a mudeer in Madrasah An-nama.
Aleem Abdulghafur Abdulhamid of Directorate General for Madaris Education of Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (DGME-MBHTE) thanked donors for this project and informed about the program of the ministry for the Madrasah education in the Bangsamoro Region.
“We invite this Madrasah to apply for this support and we also would like to call for help from our donor partners today, because there are many other Madrasah that needs assistance”, Aleem Abdulhamid conveyed.
The construction of 2-classroom Madrasah building is implemented through the PROACTIVE: Programme on Assistance for Camp Transformation through Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Economic Empowerment- a program that supports the transformation and development in the six major camps of the MILF identified in the Normalization Annex of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) signed between GPH and MILF in 2014.
For Camp Abubakar- a center of war in the past years, other projects constructed are water system, hygiene facility, solar dryer with warehouse, school library along with the provision of farm tractors, livelihood assistance (fish condo, demo vegetable farm) , others.
Partners in peace and development who attended this milestone were the co-chairs of the Joint Task Force on Camps Transformation (GPH was LtGen. Danilo Pamonag, for MILF was MP Ali O. Salik represented by Mohaimen Usman); JTFCT Camp Abubakar Chairman Abdulkudos Balitok, UNDP Philippines Winston Camarinas, Bangsamoro Development Agency Rhadzni Taalim, , Mindanao State University- Maguindanao, Philippine Marines, Municipal Local Government Unit of Barira, Barangay LGU of Tugaig and Nabalawag, people’s organizations, cooperatives, Asatidz, pupils, parents and community members.
EU delegation and partners have seen the actual usage of these projects and dialogue to the beneficiaries like the farmers, teachers, children and community members.
Atty. Paola Pampaloni, EU deputy managing director for East Asia and Pacific expressed the continuing commitment of EU to peace and development in Mindanao.
“We were here in past, we are here today, and we will be here in the coming days”, she stated.
BDA, the development arm of the MILF is a local partner in implementing the said projects through the PROACTIVE. (BDA Communications Team)
Women groups in Bangsamoro communities outline vision for project sustainability beyond the transition period
OCTOBER 13, 2024. By reaching out to one of the vulnerable yet potential sectors in the community, any organization both government and non- government would realize better the realities of people in remote areas, particularly during the transition period in the Bangsamoro Region, and their aspirations for the coming years.
In Basilan, Nasira M. Lijal, 50, leads their group, Sengag Women’s Organization, in Brgy. Tuburan, Mohamad Ajul, Basilan in visualizing their vision as they continue to operate their livelihood activity.
The organization is producing various products from banana, which is abundant in their locality.
Formed in 2021, the organization of Nasira has become functional that develop the capacity of women in their village into livelihood activities while generating income for their families.
While operating, this women group gradually learns more as days and months pass by. They are able to strengthen their bond and unity in the organization.
Now, they look forward to linking with the agriculture ministry of the Bangsamoro Government in the province of Basilan to get support on the occurring banana disease that challenged their productivity.
“We hope to report to them this incident and get technical assistance on how to resolve this problem because we cannot have the raw ingredients to be able to produce for our livelihood activity”, Nasira stated.
In Sulu, one women group is producing various items from coconut, one of the major crops in the community.
“Our vision is to be one main supplier of coconut products not only in the province but also in other places” Jemma Taji of Barangay Timbangan, Indanan, Sulu.
People’s organizations in Lanao del Sur believes that towards sustainability, they must employ innovative strategies like initiating linkages to other organizations, making online presence and finding ways to improve the packaging of their products.
Majority of the groups in this province are producing palapa (a spicy side-dish) made of locally- grown spice known as sakurab.
Community organizations in a camp community particularly Datalpandan, Guindulungan, Maguindanao- Camp Badre is convinced that they should work better to improve the process to produce quality vegetables.
In the Special Geographical Areas of BARMM, women groups aspire to make other products and to explore other marketing strategies to increase their sales.
In Tawi- Tawi, one group in Panglima Sugala have re-organized as one resolution to strengthen their operation and be able to resume with their production of native delicacies, after some challenges.
By outlining their vision and goals for the upcoming years, these people’s organizations are further guided to work hand in hand for the sustainability of their groups and the livelihood activities they are operating.
Assisted through the project SUBATRA-ECSO: Enhancing CSOs Capacities for Inclusive Development Interventions in BARMM in Support to Bangsamoro Transition, these POs were organized as one important approach to sustain peacebuilding efforts in the region.
Allowing them to plan ahead is useful to condition their minds and actions of the near completion of the project and motivate them to remain working and operating even beyond the SUBATRA-ECSO and also the transition in the Bangsamoro.
These POs have also underwent related trainings on self-help for self- reliance and social enterprise development that encouraged them to expand their services in their respective communities.
Through the assistance they received, these groups were organized and capacitated on organizational and livelihood skills as one mechanism towards community empowerment and peacebuilding.
With the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.), the SUBATRA-ECSO has been significant for the POs and the communities served by the project.
SUBATRA-ECSO is funded by the European Union (EU) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
October 14, 2024. Driven by the will to affect change and progress in the communities long been underserved due to conflict in the past years, transitioning combatants in various villages across the camp communities have united to battle pressing social issues in their localities.
These combatants organized through local social formation approach have been completing several community trainings that developed their awareness, sense of responsibility and accountability and their capacities to work hand-in-hand for community services and development. They have identified priority needs in their village, planned together and have performed appropriate activities in acting upon those gaps.
In Camp Bushra, the clean- up drive helped address the environmental, sanitation and health problem in an isolated Brgy. Nusa in Balindong, Lanao del Sur, which motivated the local government unit to adopt the similar action for the welfare of the entire community.
In Camp Bilal, the transitioning combatants decided to do vegetable production as alternative agricultural crops potential for livelihood source and even for daily consumption.
An all-men group in Camp Rajamuda, opted to develop their capacities on rice delicacies making, in which the product be sold for income generation of the group.
In Camp Omar, the farmers were united for a flood-control project by planting bamboos and constructing community dikes that would help mitigate the overflowing water affecting their farm.
The group of combatants in Camp Badre, agreed to plant trees that symbolized the community resilience and social cohesion.
Meanwhile, for other relevant social issues, the initiative was employed through engaging with the Bangsamoro Government, by facilitating dialogue between the community members and the officials and representatives from the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA): MP Abdullah E. Gayak, MP Ali O. Salik, MP Akmad I. Abas, MP Mohammad Kelie U. Antao, MP Tawakal B. Midtimbang, MP Suharto S. Esmael, MP Froilyn T. Mendoza, MP Basit Abbas and MP Marjanie Macasalong.
Also from various ministries and offices in the BARMM such as the Tulong Alay sa Bangsamorong Nangangailangan (TABANG) of the Office of the Chief Minister, Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).
In Camp Bilal, which communities are outside the territory of the Bangsamoro, other partners were from the Office for Other Bangsamoro Communities (OOBC) and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development of Munai, Lanao del Norte.
There were provisions of food packs, health kits and education supplies to during those community gatherings.
In the delivery of these services to the camp communities, the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) partnered with the Joint Taks Force for Camps Transformation (JTFCT), Task Force on Decommissioned Combatants and Their Communities (TFDCC), the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) and the local government units where the activities were conducted
BDA reported that the employment of those undertakings in the camps is specifically relevant to the local social formation component of PROACTIVE: Programme on Assistance for Camp Transformation through Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Economic (PROACTIVE), funded by European Union (EU) together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
PROACTIVE supports the camps transformation and development across the six major camps of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) identified in the Normalization Annex of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) namely Camp Abubakar, Camp Badre, Camp Bilal, Camp Bushra, Camp Rajamauda and Camp Omar.
ENGAGING BARMM FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES IN THE CAMPS, aids towards social cohesion and resilience for transitioning combatants and their communities
September 27, 2024. The recent gatherings in the selected villages in the camps that unified the joint efforts of the Bangsamoro Government and the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), the non- government organization, donor partners together with other stakeholders benefited hundreds of transitioning combatants, their families and their communities in the camps.
Dubbed as Engaging BARMM for Community Services in the Camps, these local meetings brought together officials and representatives from the BARMM and the community members to a dialogue where they talked about key programs and services of the Bangsamoro Government available for the people, with the corresponding requirements.
According to the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.), the idea for this initiative is based on the needs identified in the communities during their local social formation activities in the past months.
“There are organized groups in the camps who are assisted to determine pressing issues in their villages and come up with a practical solution. This community assemblies are among those that were decided to help resolve such issues by engaging the BARMM, believed to have programs and services that may respond to those community problems like education, health and nutrition, environmental management, others”, BDA stated.
During the community gatherings, each BTA office of BARMM ministry, office and agency have designated desk where people approached and talked to them directly.
Ministry of Health (MOH) particularly educated people about common diseases like dengue fever, leptospirosis and monkey fox, while informing the people, too, regarding the health services they provide. MOH also distributed health and dental kits.
Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) presented about their available programs intended for the vulnerable and marginalized groups in the community.
Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) talked about their services for the communities in BARMM.
TABANG- BARMM (Tulong Alay sa Bangsamorong Nangangailangan) brought with them food packs (rice and groceries) together with information about the other services of the office for the people of Bangsamoro.
Officials and representatives from the members of the parliament likewise spoke to the people that enlightened participants of the opportunities and requirements related to programs and services of each office.
They are from the Office of MP Abdullah E. Gayak, MP Ali O. Salik, MP Akmad I. Abas, MP Mohammad Kelie U. Antao, MP Tawakal B. Midtimbang, MP Suharto S. Esmael, MP Froilyn T. Mendoza, MP Basit Abbas and MP Marjanie Macasalong.
In Camp Bilal, where the areas covered are outside the territory of the BARMM, the BDA has linked with the Office for Other Bangsamoro Communities (OOBC-BARMM) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD Munai, Lanao del Norte).
Relevant offices from BARMM (MOH, MOST and TABANG) remained their support even to these communities like Brgy. Panggao and Tamparan in the said municipality.
Members of the parliament Abdullah Macapaar and Said Shiek graced the activity in the said villages in Camp Bilal.
The Joint Task Force on Camps Transformation (JTFCT), the Task Force for Decommissioned Combatants and their Communities (TFDCC) and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU are crucial partners in this activity.
Engaging BARMM for Community Services in the Camps organized for social cohesion and community resilience is relevant to PROACTIVE: Programme on Assistance for Camp Transformation through Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Economic (PROACTIVE), funded by European Union (EU) together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
PROACTIVE supports the camps transformation and development across the six major camps of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) identified in the Normalization Annex of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) namely Camp Abubakar, Camp Badre, Camp Bilal, Camp Bushra, Camp Rajamauda and Camp Omar.
This initiative not only touched the lives of many but also reinforced the importance of government, non-government and community collaboration
For BDA, these initiatives will serve as foundation for ongoing engagement and support, ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable sectors continue to be heard and acted upon.
PARA SA’YO BANGSAMORO- CSO led assemblies, connect people to Bangsamoro Govt., support the Bangsamoro Transition
SEPTEMBER 11, 2024. From mainland to island provinces of the Bangsamoro Region, series of community assemblies were organized that helped connect the Bangsamoro Government to the people in various communities across the BARMM.
The recent of which was on August 25, 2024 at Brgy. Mataya, Buldon, Maguindanao del Norte that convened the members of the community and the officials and representatives from the BTA and BARMM ministries, offices and agencies.
In Mataya, food packs were provided to 240 families who belong to most vulnerable sectors in the community, while the 260 school supplies kit were presented to the children in the barangay.
Abdullah Gayak of the BTA complemented those assistance given during the event. Other members of the parliament who supported the activity were Swaib Oranun and Ubaida Pacasem.
An elderly beneficiary was joyful of the gifts received from the activity saying that “Napakasaya ko sa regalong handog nyo ngayong araw” (I am very happy for this gift).
During the activity, the MSSD was able to distribute the assistance intended to selected PWD members in the barangay.
A volunteer teacher stated that people were glad to be able to talk to the Bangsamoro Government about their needs in the village. She said that it is very hard to many to go and talk to the government because of the distance and transportation cost.
Educators and school officials grabbed the chance to dialogue with the official from the MBHTE regarding their concerns.
Maguindanao Provincial Offices of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR), Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) and Bangsamoro Youth Commission (BYC) likewise participated the assembly for information and education of their programs and services intended for the people.
Orphans in Sulu were thankful of the aid provided to them during the community assembly on May 20, 2024 at Brgy. Timbangan, Indanan, Sulu.
“Through this project and the BARMM, we now experience being a beneficiary of this educational support”, they stated.
Matarul Estino of the BTA complemented the food packs distributed during the activity.
From the BARMM through its provincial offices in Sulu were the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (MTIT), Bangsamoro Human Rights Commission (BHRC), MOST, MSSD, MOLE, MAFAR and BYC.
The convergence of the activity in Basilan with the Office Hatimil Hassan, member of the parliament of the BTA benefited hundreds of individuals in Brgy. Tuburan Proper, Muhamad Ajul municipality on May February 18, 2024.
Various medical groups and institutions joined hands in serving the immediate health needs of people in the village.
The people’s organization in the barangay who is a recipient of livelihood program received financial aid from MP Hatimil intended to support community groups who are organized and operating successfully by producing and selling local products for economic development.
Basilan Provincial Offices of MOST, MOLE, MBHTE, BHRC, and BYC.
In Tawi- Tawi, people in Brgy. Pasiagan, Bongao were delightful that for the first time, they received such kind of assistance from BARMM.
Over a hundred households received 50 kilos of rice each with other food items that helped secure their meals for number of days. This was through the responsive support of MP Eddie Alih through the TABANG Office in Tawi- Tawi.
Youth and students enjoyed the school supplies provided to them that they can use at school.
For this province, BARMM offices who supported were MBHTE (Tawi- Tawi Division), MOLE, MAFAR, BHRC, and BYC.
Fisher folks and farmer groups in Lanao del Sur flocked to the desk of MAFAR during the community assembly on December 25, 2024 at Brgy. Lilod, Balindong town.
BTA Members from Lanao province supported the activity such as Said Sheikh and Basit Abbas.
Lanao Sur Provincial Offices for MOST and MAFAR participated during the information session.
This series of community assembly with provision of services in Support to Bangsamoro Transition kicked off on December 1, 2023 at Brgy. Balakayon, SGA- BARMM.
BTA Members Ali Salik, Said Salendab and Kadil Sinulinding supported the activity that benefited 134 number of individuals.
Of this number, 96 underwent medical eye check-up through Dr. Sinulinding who is an ophthalmologist with a medical team managing the health assessment that day.
MBHTE and the Office of the Cabinet Secretariat of the OCM-BARMM supported this community gathering.
The series of community assembly with provision of services in support to Bangsamoro Transition is relevant to the project SUBATRA-ECSO: Enhancing CSOs Capacities for Inclusive Development Interventions in BARMM in Support to Bangsamoro Transition.
It specifically work for the Outputs 4.5: Increasing the awareness about BARMM’s programs and services including the rights and obligation of its people.
The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.) manages the implementation of the project in collaboration with partner CSOs in the BARMM.
SUBATRA-ECSO is funded by the European Union and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.
August 27, 2024/ SULU-BARMM. In the distant sea village in the island province of Sulu in the Bangsamoro Region lives a community of Badjao who are known for their stilt houses or those built in the sea.
The people in the village is blessed by the abundance of resources from the sea such as seaweeds, a variety of fish, marine breeze, and among others.
Particular to the Sitio Kud Kalang in Brgy. Socuban, Omar, Sulu in the BARMM, is the development assistance that came to this community.
On August 7, 2024, the village received a lobster aquaculture facility through the project dubbed as "Building Resilient Livelihoods and Communities through Climate-Smart Aquaculture Value Chain in Tawi-Tawi and Sulu Archipelago”
Hundred young lobsters were also provided to the cooperative organized for this project who will manage the growing/ farming of those sea species.
With the technical guidance and support of MAFAR Sulu Provincial Office, the farming of these lobster is expected to be successful and be beneficial for the community as it will generate income for the families.
The cooperative also received four (4) units of fishing boat that are as well used for transportation from-to and to-from the village and the community port to reach the town center.
People in Sitio Kud Kalang are mostly fisher folks growing seaweeds for selling and fishing from the wealth of the sea.
Life in this village is simple and cultural. Access to education is poor due to distance. Health remains with traditional healing, however, the barangay local government unit provides support for pregnant women who are assisted to the nearest health facility during natal delivery. There is available energy service in the village. Potable water is accessed and affordable in a nearby facility.
During the turnover ceremony of the said facility, partners expressed support to the community such as Mayor Abdulbaki J. Ajibon of Omar, Sulu; Brgy. Chairman Romeo S. Asul; LTC Gerald John A. Saldoart (GSC) PA Commanding Officer 15CMOBn; Fardia J. Abduhasad, OIC Chief, Fisheries Division of MAFAR- Sulu; and the Vice- Chancellor of Mindanao State University (MSU Sulu).
This support on lobster aquaculture in Sulu is implemented under the program “Strengthening the implementation of regional and local peace and development agendas in Mindanao (SPADe).
The project is co-funded by the European Union and the German Ferderal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by German International Cooperation (GIZ).
With the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.) as the local implementing partner, this project aims to promote inclusive socio-economic development and contribute to peacebuilding, food security, and environmental conservation through climate-resilient and sustainable livelihood interventions in aquaculture value chain in the Tawi-Tawi and Sulu Archipelago.(BDA Communications, 2024)
August 17, 2024/ COTABATO CITY-BARMM. Imagine those communities ravaged by or at least isolated by the effect of war in the past, now on its recovery and reconstruction? Imagine the peace.
This story of peace is a reality to many of the communities in the six major camps of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front recognized in the Normalization Annex of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) of the GPH- MILF in 2014.
This is through the implementation of various infrastructure projects which for the communities are bringing hopes for the future.
“The construction of the school library is not only a symbol of knowledge, it also speaks of hopes for the future”, Misbah Zacaria stated. He is a local official in Brgy. Sandab, Butig, Lanao del Sur- Camp Bushra.
Construction of various infra projects in the camps has been officially started through series of pre- implementation meetings and groundbreaking ceremonies conducted.
In Camp Bushra will be a school library at Brgy. Sandab, Butig, Lanao del Sur and a warehouse with solar dryer at Brgy. Poctan, same town.
A week before this, partners in peace and development likewise joined hands for the kick- off of more relevant infrastructure projects in the camp communities.
August 7 at Brgy. Kilangan, Pagalungan, Maguindanao del Norte- Camp Rajamuda for the projects such as water system, hygiene facility and warehouse with solar dryer.
On August 8 at Brgy. Tuayan, Datu Hoffer, Maguindanao del Sur- Camp Omar for water system, playground, refilling station and warehouse with solar dryer.
Partners in peace and development graced the event such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU), Task Force on Decommissioned Combatants and their Communities (TFDCC), Joint Task Forces for Camp Transformation (JTFCT), representative from the Office of MP Ali O. Salik (JTFCT- MILF), representatives from BLGU, People’s Organizations and community members.
According to the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.), the implementation of these infra projects in the camps is relevant to on- going implementation of the PROACTIVE Programme on Assistance for Camp Transformation through Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Economic Empowerment, a program that supports the camps transformation and development.
Other than the projects mentioned above, there are further different infra projects, which constructions are on- going, some with relevant progress while there were three that are already completed and benefiting the community recipients like the tribal hall for the indigenous people in Camp Omar, the post- harvest facility and the school library in Camp Abubakar.
PROACTIVE is funded by the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.) as local implementing agency.
HOPES IN PALAPA: For economic recovery, culture preservation and inclusion to progress
August 12, 2024. Palapa is a local kind of side- dish known to the M’ranao (people of the lake in Lanao provinces, South of the Philippines).
This dish is made of herbs (named sakurab) found in the communities of M’ranao, produced into a delightful, spicy and tasty manner with that of organic aroma, which adds to its distinct features.
For the women group in Malimono- a remote and isolated village in Marawi City, there is hope in palapa.
According to the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), the women group in Malimono is organized in 2022 as part of the project that works to help improve basic- social services for the vulnerable groups in the Bangsamoro communities.
“Through the project SUBATRA-ECSO: Enhancing CSOs Capacities for Inclusive Development Interventions in BARMM in Support to Bangsamoro Transition, funded by the European Union and the Spanish Cooperacion Agency, we assisted them to become a people’s organization (PO) and since then, they underwent various trainings that gradually develop their capacities about organizational management”, BDA reported.
Together with other eighteen POs in the other villages of BARMM, these groups have completed different skills training based on the identified local enterprise for their group, e.g., palapa processing, coconut processing, vegetable production, banana processing, rice processing, others.
In August 2023, these groups showcased their finished products during the Product Expo organized by the project attended by donor partners, officials and representatives from the Bangsamoro Government.
After the Product Expo, significant results were achieved with some of those community groups being able to link with local government offices whose works support local enterprise development.
“The story of Brave Women People’s Organization of Malimono in Marawi City, their progress and gradual success happened later than those other groups who immediately got support after the Product Expo in August 2023”, BDA told.
Jalanesa Amerol, president of the PO shared that it was just early this year when they met with the Word Vision, whose one staff is a friend to a PO member.
World Vision (WV) is an international humanitarian aid and development organization who has project works in Marawi City, at present.
“We knew one of their staff who tried our product. So since then, the WV orders from them 7- 20 bottles of palapa every month”, Jalanesa said.
She added that the WV helps them promote their products, taking photos and videos of their produced palapa.
They also have a social media account for online selling of their palapa products, where they get orders from few customers like those from the city hall of Marawi City.
“The income is gradual and still little and from our sales, we buy other additional materials for our processing activities”, Jalanesa told.
The group has recently completed training on organizational management and policy formulation. This training will help strengthen their group by agreeing on policies for their operation and production activities.
“We remain supportive of them and keep pushing them to go on with this livelihood opportunity, explore other marketing options, and continue working together as an organization”, BDA stated.
“Our role is to assist them, not to be spoon- fed but be self- reliant. That is why we train them about self- help, social enterprise, organizational policies, management, marketing, book keeping, and others for the sustainability of their organization”, BDA added.
Further, BDA reported that more trainings are scheduled for these POs like product development in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (MTIT- BARMM).
Livelihood support as one approach to community development and empowerment has been significant in developing the awareness, engagement, capacity and potentials of people at the grassroots level towards inclusive progress and peacebuilding.
While most of the products developed have its raw materials available in the locality, it is not only for economic recovery, but also helps in culture promotion and preservation like the palapa of the M’ranao in the famous Lake Lanao in Bangsamoro Region, South of the Philippines. (BDA Communications, 2024)
August 8, 2024/COTABATO CITY BARMM. In 2020, the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.) and the Technical Education and Skills Development of Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the integration of Values Transformation Training (VTT) to the Bangsamoro Scholarship Program (BSP) of the ministry.
This initiative is guided by the intention to assimilate values in the learning journey of the program beneficiaries and eventually apply those principles to their personal and career development.
BSP is a program that supports the goal of TESD- MBHTE on producing high- quality middle- level workforce in the Bangsamoro Region. Through BSP, various skills trainings are made available to Bangsamoro constituents as one relevant alternative to acquire education and pursue job/s.
These short- courses that come with a national certificate are cookery, carpentry, driving, automotive, computer system servicing, electrical installation and maintenance, others.
With the integration of VTT to the program, recipients learned about the significance of values for personality development and self- change that helps them become more responsible citizens, whether in their chosen field of specialization or as a regular member of the society.
VTT is a 3-day activity filled with fundamental lectures with workshops on faith-based values that guide the participants to understand and internalize their personal traits and weaknesses and be able to reflect for self- improvements. It reminds the participants that every act of a man is part of worship and therefore he/ she is expected to perform it on an excellent manner.
Completers of VTT demonstrate well of their appreciation of the training by having able to reflect on their acts, and were convinced for the need to improve themselves.
“There are so much learning from this training. We learned more about our values, our acts, and our faith, which will all make us be a better version of ourselves”, one participant remarked.
“The teachings on values reminded us of patience and faith. That everything, which happens in our lives is a test and we shall put our trust unto Allah and do our part”, another participant told.
Relationship to others is one important thing that the other VTT completer has gained from the training. According to him, the values taught in VTT enlightened them of ways to deal with other persons, even from other culture or faith, in a civil and compassionate manner.
As of July 2024, there are almost 5, 000 of BSP recipients who completed the VTT, based on the record of the BDA. In 2023, there were 11, 153 BSP completers who underwent VTT. While in 2022, there were 3, 394 and in year 2021, there 2, 860 who learned the VTT.
As official facilitator of the VTT, BDA has been persistently improving its strategies in managing the values training given the huge number of BSP beneficiaries who are participants to the VTT. These approaches are parallel to the institutional policies and considerations of the BDA as an organization. The agency has strengthen its pool of trainers and facilitators long been organized to perform such tasks on a wide- scale manner. Review and revision of modules were consistent to consider the context for the beneficiaries of the Bangsamoro Scholarship Program. (BDA Communication 2024)