Community Empowerment through Food Sufficiency and Environmental Management

CEFSEM was a comprehensive project implementation approach under the UN- World Food Programme (UNWFP) and BDA partnership, which started on March 01, 2013, and ended on April 30, 2014.

The goal of the project was to consolidate the livelihood recovery of the targeted communities in regards to food-insecurity due to conflict and to increase their resilience to shocks with a view to contributing to peacebuilding.

It was to complement and support the existing programs of BDA with UNICEF and JICA in the area respectively such as Early Child Care Development (ECCD) – Tahderiyyah Program, Child Protection (CPC) Program, and Community Development in Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao (CD-CAAM) Program.

It was implemented through Food for Assets (FFA) component of WFP, which means paying workers with food to start building a hunger-free future for their communities specifically through Food for Work (FFW) and Food for Training (FFT). People organizations in the targeted sites were mobilized to undertake environmental activities like building of dikes, cleaning of creeks, and among others in exchange for food (rice).


25 October 2020

